
Pneuma: spirit, wind, breath of life, (in Stoic philosophy) a mixture of the elements air (in motion) and fire (as warmth), which in its highest form pneuma constitutes the human soul (psychê), which is a fragment of the pneuma that is the soul of God (Yahweh for Christians). This word is found in the Septuagint and the Greek New Testament (Holy Bible).


The Urban Voice of Christian Podcasts

Relevant. Trending. Taboo. Biblical.

Real Talk. New Life.


Among The Wolves
This book is a must read for those who want to know how to spot a false prophet. For 7 years, unbeknownst to me until it was completed, I was trained by the Holy Spirit through my first-hand experience with a false prophet. Through my personal experience I became an expert on the subject matter. This book gives an honest look at false prophets and it is filled with revelations from the throne room of heaven. After reading this book, you will be equipped to: 1. Discern the spirit of a false prophet 2. Identify cults 3. Identify error in doctrine and false doctrine 4. Come to a place of spiritual healthiness
The Aborted Baby's Spokesman
This book is dedicated to the more than 60 million God-given visions, called children, which were never birthed in the earth since the Roe vs. Wade ruling in the Supreme Court in the United States on January 22, 1973, and the millions of past, present and future aborted babies worldwide. At one point in my life, I felt cast aside and forgotten, while it seemed others were prospering and succeeding. However, on March 28, 2003, that all changed!! I drove for 11 hours from Georgia to Washington, DC, to compete in a poetry SLAM contest. Later, due to the second poem I recited about protecting the unborn, that literally brought me to my knees under the power of the anointing, I was approached by a young lady who told me with tears streaming down her face, that after hearing my poem she decided against aborting her child, whom she had considered aborting for 3 weeks up to that day. This book will encourage you to keep pushing through the hard places to get to the other side of the storm to fulfillment of your God-given visions, dreams and purpose.


Being the Urban Christian Voice of podcasts using media to influence the cultural mountains of:
1) Arts & Entertainment
2) Religion &
3) Media
to affect divine change around the globe.


Bringing the good news to the world using the internet and supernatural power in order to make and grow disciples.


Detoxify & feed the spirits of listeners through spiritual discussions based on biblical standards.

Pneu Pneuma Godcast exists for several reasons: To capture the legacy of certain people who want to impact generations to come based upon their intimacy in relationship with Yeshua (Jesus), it provides a place to satiate those seeking deeper biblical truths, and it is a catalyst for change in the body of Christ, which ultimately impacts the world. As a true Hip Hop head, I have followed Christian Hip Hop since its inception circa 1985 (Mike Peace), which is why many CHH Artists and those who minister through other overlooked and underserved genres of Christian music are regular guests on the show, as these genres have in many ways been ignored and abandoned by the "religious" church communities around the world, in many ways. So, in a sense, this podcast is a second home for the CHH community and the other aforementioned genres in the body of Christ. Pneu Pneuma Godcast is sure to continue to bring a fresh look at the kingdom of God for the world to see, and for the church (Ecclesia) to learn and experience.


Ted H. (Maryland, USA) "Thought Provoking"

"A great opportunity to listen to Bible study and hear spirited thoughtful discussion."

Jeannette M. (Alabama, USA)

"Good content. I like your format. It reminds me of sitting around the table talking about current issues with my friends and fam. I started listening to the one about the basketball couple. Like what I’ve heard so far but haven’t finished it yet...Been praying for your outreach though."

Dave E. (Maryland, USA) "Awesome podcast from Norman and Justin"

“This is a great place to be blessed and challenged with thought provoking content and discussion!”

Dorothy K. (Baltimore, MD, USA)

"I listened to about 3.5 hours today!!! To - Back 2 Basics, a bit of Ric McD, and ALL of Racial Healing parts 1 and 2. I think you do a great job listening and asking good questions. I like that even with the tough questions there is still some humor mixed in with the honest answers. I didn't know you were such a brainiac...impressive!!!"

Mandy M. (Maryland, USA) "I'm A Fan"

"Amazing podcast! Norman does an incredible job of interviewing. He comfortably sets the stage. It’s as if you were sitting in a living room and talking about the Lord! He was so patient and understanding. I love the urban twists! Thanks for sharing about the amazing things and people in Baltimore. God is present! He is upon us blowing like a mighty wind. To Him be the glory!!"


No scheduled events. 



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Norman's book Covert COVID-19: An Attack On Kingdom Agendas is NOW available on Amazon. Download it TODAY!

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